A Quick Glance in to the history of Cardinal HSS
Kerala, Known as God’s Own country is previlleged to encompass the Land of King Mahabali, Thrikkakara- the Land of king Mahabali and the one and only temple dedicated to Vamana had only such highlights but was culturally educationally and financially backward.
In 1965, Bharat Matha College was founded which led to the rejuanation of the entire locality. A college facility cannot have a utility unless the candidates were provided with a chance for preliminary education. So, His Ex. Cardinal Joseph Parekkattil thought about the possibility of a high school at Thrikkakara.
It was not that easy to begin a school. So an initiative was made to give the students coaching to make them skilled labourers. For the same in 1975 a small building was constructed. In 1976 recognition for thirty branch schools were given by the Government. As a branch of St.Augustine’s high school, a school was sanctioned at Thrikkakara. In 1976 June 28th with 180 students and three teachers the school became functional. It was named St.Augustine’s high school. A retired teacher, Rev.Sr.Anitha, the current principal of St.Mary’s Higher Secondary School Rev.Sr.Leena Paul and Sri.P.S.George were the three pioneers of the school.
The classes were held in the small building constructed for the skill course. But keeping in view of the expansion of the school a good and proper infrastructure was required. The expenses were calculated and was found to be a huge on. It was in every way difficult to tap the finance from the residents of the locality, as they were extremely poor. So His Em.Cardinal Joseph Parekkattil took the initiative and the site was proposed at Judgemukku and the construction work began under the supervision of Rev.Fr.Joseph Makothekatt.
Eventually, the school was upgraded to the ninth standard. But unfortunately Government policies got changed and the recognition given to the branch schools were withdrawn. It came as a blow to the future of the students who had taken admission in the branch school, which was functioning as a mixed school. Along with this mishap there were a couple of people who wanted to stop the new initiative and filed a writ petition against the school. As a result the teachers were not given salaries, without proper Headmaster and regular teachers, the future of the school was looking very bleak.
The school management came forward with a very graceful decision of paying the teachers their salary, even though the school had lost it’s recognition. The only motive was to make sure that the students did not suffer due to all these political commotions. The parents of those students deserve a word of appreciation, as they cooperated sincerely during the crisis period.
Inspite of all the diverse conditions, with lots of prayers, good will and determination activities of the school were carried out by the teachers.
As a result of the constant effort of many sincere people the stay petition was withdrawn and 31st January 1978, the new school was sanctioned. It was named Cardinal High School after its founder His Em.Cardinal Joseph Parecattil. It was said that the school would stand out in everyway and would become the highlight of Thrikkakara.
In 1998, when the schools in aided sector was upgraded, Cardinal High school also was upgraded as Cardinal Higher Secondary. Every activities of the school was given recognition along with the upgradation.
The construction work proceeded under the efficient super visiory skill of the very Rev.Fr.Paul Kallokkaran. After the tenure of Rev.Fr.Paul Kallukaran, It was under the able monitoring of Rev.Fr.Luckose Kunnathoor that the construction work was completed. In 2002 February 12 Bishop Mar Thomas Chakkiath blessed the new plus two block. Thus Cardinal Higher Secondary School came into being.
Now we shall discuss about the line of vetarans who managed the institution. Ernakulam-Angamaly Arch Diocese has the supreme authority over St.Augustine’s Educational agency. There are three institutions under this agency namely Aluva St.Mary’s High School, Ernakulam St.Augustine’s High School and Cardinal Higher Secondary School. Besides two Lower primary schools also functioned under the agency.
The then Eminence Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil of Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese was the Manager/Burzar and Bishop Mar Thomas Chakkiyath the joint Manager/ Joint Burzar.
We have already mentioned about the futuristic vision and noble intentions of His Em.Cadinal Joseph Parekkattil which led to the establishment of the school. It would be a great pleasure to mention about the relentless hard work rendered by the other managers. From the very beginning we have had the most coveted and sincere association of Very Rev.Fr. Mon George Manickanamparambil. He has rendered great service as the chancellor of the Arch Diocese as well as the general Manager of St.Augustine’s Educational agency. As the pioneer in this area, what he shouldered is something that can be called a Hercuilian Task’.He was described as the ‘Newcomer of the Corporate’ and his association with the agency was a life long one.
Along with Rev.Fr.George Manickanamparambil, Rev.Fr.Joseph Panappally stood as a strong pillar throughout the long journey, trying to make the Cardinal’s dream come true. The older generation of Thrikkakara can never think about Cardinal HSS without giving a tribute to Rev.Fr. Joseph Panappally. There was always an understanding between Rev.Fr.Joseph Panappally and His Emi.Cardinal Joseph Parekkattil. Whatever the Cardinal had in his mind with regard to Cardinal HS Rev.Fr.Panapally would pick up the trace and would do the needful.
On the occasion of the first Annual Celebration of the school His. Emi.Joseph Paracattil added the below quoted lines to the school’s report. The person who played the most important part in the establishment of the school is Rev.Fr.Panappally. He passed away on 24th February 2001.
After Rev.Fr.George Manickanamparambil we have had Mon.Abraham Karedan Mon.Antony Payappilly, Very Rev.Fr.Varghese Njaliath as our Corporate Manager. During the time of Rev.Fr.Varghese Njaliath, Cardinal High School got upgraded to Cardinal Higher Secondary.
Rev.Fr.Jose Paul Nellissery, Rev.Fr.John Pollachira,Rev.Fr.Sebastian Ayiniyadan,Rev.Fr.Jose Edassery have extended every bit of hardwork as local managers to inspire and motivate the teachers as well as the students. They were much associated with the day to day activities of the school, as they were much involved and passionate.
Special reference should be made about Rev.Fr.Alex Kattezhath, who was aware of the initial struggles of Cardinal High school. So he expected similar infirmities during the initial period of the take off of the Higher Secondary as well as was prepared for it. He had exhibited a rare quality of expertise in bringing in the best faculty possible along with the best infrastructure.
The Head masters of the school showed special interest in safe guarding the uniqueness of the school.
As it was started as the branch of the St.Augustine’s High school the first Head master was sir I Parameswariyar. He would visit the school once in a while. Rev.Sr.Anita was very able in running the school according to the desired standards.
When the sanction was given for the new school Sri.M.B Pappu from Aluva St.Mary’s School was appointed as the new and first Head master for the next twelve years he worked hard and installed all the initial systems of the school.
During the period of Sri.V.C.Joseph, a visionary the school was upgraded to Higher Secondary and he was privileged to become the first Principal Sri. P.V.Issac took over from him. He carried on the activities of the school very gracefully inspite of the difficulties experienced in the smooth running of the plus two section Sri.M.G.Jose was very keen in taking forward the rich tradition of the school in every aspect.
Parent Teacher association is the backbone of the propriety of a school. We have been privileged to have the complete support and appreciation of the first Parent Teacher association. Prof: Kurias J Kadavan was the first PTA President.
In school stood exclusively for the betterment of the students. So subject centered education was not upheld. Instead the topics for study were introduced in the garb of day to day, practical life which helped them to analyse various experiences in their own life. The focus was on the all round development of the individual and keeping that in mind, along with the curriculum other activities were also executed. It would not have been possible without the team work and dedication of the teachers.
With the area of self esteem pride and self satisfaction, opening a world of stint social service, there is much to be remembered as we walk down the memory lane of the last twenty five years. We do feel proud as we have many of our students working at different levels in and abroad. We take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to each and everyone who have been associated with the Cardinal family during the occasion of the Jubilee. Though it is painful, we commemorate all those who have passed away, rendering all kinds of service for the upliftment of the school.

Pope Francis